Picked up some sort of virus,bad head sore dry throat RSD really playing up.Asked wietse today if this could be the start of RSD spreading he said maybe, there is so much going on in my body it is hard to tell
Have not been in tank for 3 weeks but I am hopping this week all will be well [because of virus].
Got my bike today so far have not bean on it but will any day Lincoln watch out.
Pain levels have bean all over the place this last 2 months and I started to get a lot more cold spots in my foot parts are ice cold to the point of being painful and parts are hot or warm it is very strange; I have had very cold foot before but never so many combinations at the same time. Wietse say this is quite normal have yet to find any thing to shock him yet about RSD.
Got an electric under blanket today as I get very cold when in bed, you can leave it on all night if you choose to so far have only used it to warm the bed I have a bed cradle on the bed to stop the quilt from touching my foot as it can cause executing pain so the lower half is not as warmly covered.
Results back from carpel tunnel test shows that the carpel nerve is not trapped or squeezed;so not quite as bad as first thought carry on the same with splints no crutches.Getting about slow & painful without crutches also left hip hurts a lot.