Washing ironing just a normal day for me. Very drained and tired though.
Sorting out cupboards and getting rid of stuff we have saved just in case. Sometimes you need it again, most you don't. Andrew is coming back to UK for a while with all his belongings so we need to find more storage room. Jay-Jay will be coming out of the top room as well. After all that is Andrews past bedroom. Not too sure how much longer Jay-Jay will be a guest here.
Rang Andrew early to make sure he was up for the van coming for his stuff early morning 6am.
Unfortunately things did not go to plan, so no moving day for him. He has to leave his place as tenancy is up for renewal. He will be staying with a friend till things get sorted. Hopefully he will get to UK eventually.
At last I have finished a Jelly Baby puzzle I started ages ago.
Jay-Jay and Paul helped me with the last few bits as I was getting stuck. Probably one of the hardest ones I have done. Wayne got me it as a present and said, that will keep you busy, he was not wrong. Unfortunately. one piece was missing, no doubt vacuumed up at one point, disappointing but at least its done. The next puzzle is a Roses sweet one this does not look as hard but I will see.
Went to Jamie-Lee's sports day I think CUTE, was the word. She is in her last few days of Nursery School so age range was from three years to five.
Jamie-Lee in the hall getting ready for her sports advent.
Water-- they all loved this one, filling up a container with water from the bath.
Egg and spoon.
A lot of the children are Polish or from that area. One boy was so
sweet, he did not speak English so hard work for the teaching
staff. He did not understand what he had to do so he did it his way.
Jamie-Lee said he only bean there five days, she was very precise about
that as well. They all had a good try at everything, some needing a reassuring cuddle from Mum or Dad.
Getting a bit tired.
Getting their stickers.
There were no winners or looses so most were happy, some were still a bit confused.
Sorting out my Cd's and bringing them up to date something I have wanted to do for a while. I have even sat to do it then thought No--- and given up. Finally I have at last started and finished it.
A very humid day storm on the way I hope, before my head explodes. Yes later it did rain, a right down pour and a storm as well. I sent Jay-Jay to get the pegs in and you should have heard him squeal as the rain hit his back. The drain near the back door got blocked up as well, but lucky the rain stopped so we was able to sort it out. The air was so sweet and clear after the storm. This did not last long as it turned humid later. I like a good storm, but I think we only got the tail end of the storm this time.
Age UK-- Very warm in the kitchen and counter today. I was with Ian again after he had finished on a training/upgrade course. He said he did not learn much, as it was more for people preparing foods. We just take orders and sell things like scones cakes etc that are on display. All other food is prepared in the kitchen and taken to the table by the waitress's.
I told Ian how much I enjoyed working with him last week he was quite taken back by my praise for him. Again another steady day, things went well, a bit more staff today as well so the waitresses were not rushed off their feet.
My foot was very swollen by the time I stopped for dinner. I left Age UK, did a bit of shopping then home. Still very warm and heavy maybe another storm later.
Andrew is here later tonight around eight. Still not sorted his stuff out but that will follow at a later date. He will travel light with just a change of clothes, toiletry's, recording gear and a few other things.
I, in the mean time need to get Jay-Jay out of Andrews room down a level in to the spare room then sort out the room ready for Andrew. This was all done in the morning, so with Jay-Jay's help it went very smooth. He said he liked the top room better, everyone does, its a lot bigger and more like a bed sit place. I said to Jay-Jay this room is less rent any way. He looked at me and said am I being charged?
Jay-Jay went out, and I cleaned the top room ready for Andrew. A quick vacuum downstairs as well and all clean everywhere.
Andrew arrived around eight as planned with no problems. Not sure how long he will be here for as he is not sure himself. Still no belongings as yet, hopefully they are coming very soon.
Out in the garden doing a bit of tidying up and since the rain things seemed to have shot up... The greenhouse has had two massive ant nests so I had to get rid of them. The ant powder I used took two lots to get rid of them this time as a bigger than normal nest- huge.!!! They always make me itch and I usually end up getting bitten.
Got Jamie-Lee after Nursery as Lindsay is at Sheffield today. She will stay with me and be joined by her brother Tommy-Lee later after he has finished school. Andrew is out, so just me and Jamie-Lee plus Pup of course.
Tommy-Lee arrived in a middle of a down pour soaked to the skin. He had to strip off and wear his brothers clothes. Once dry, he sat down and played with Jamie-Lee and waited for his tea.
Lindsay arrived back from Sheffield with her news.The problem is now not the bleed in her brain but the malformation on her brain. The tablets are going to changed soon as she is attending Lincoln Pain Clinic. After a while everyone went home and I was able to have a rest.
Later Andrew lit the new fire pit and we both sat out, very relaxing. The pit burnt very well and gave out a good heat. We have a bit of wood from the decking we took up, so alright for a while. We are surrounded by woods so getting more fuel for the fire will be easy. After a while I went in to have my bath, leaving Andrew and Pup to enjoy the night. They both came in a bit later and we watched a bit of TV.
Got Tommy-Lee here as well as Jay-Jay. Lindsay is sorting out football for next season with Ben.
Time was getting on and Jamie-Lee was getting ready for her bed. She laid on the floor, as I said there was no more beds to rent out. Tommy-Lee joined her on the floor. He asked how much rent the beds were I said when available £50 a night. Tommy said so these are free then, NO I said they are twice as much because you are causing a trip hazard. He laughed so did Jamie-Lee but I don't think she knew what she was actually laughing at. Lindsay was here soon after so home to beds for them both.
Happy Birthday Lindsay--
Went to Pilate's on my bike, foot was quite good but I had a job keeping it on the peddle at times.
The session went well too. I have not bean there since 31st of May so a few more bits have bean added. Some I could not do as usual. I enjoyed it though, my foot will get stronger with time and less pain. Hopefully a bit more feeling will come back as I have lost more since I sprained it.
Later Andrew and Jay-Jay plus me went to Lidl's supermarket its close by, and Jay-Jay wanted to get Lindsay a plant for her Birthday. They have some good plants and it saved going into town. He did get a lovely plant for her, a chrysanthemum. We all walked back and Lindsay plus Jamie-Lee were there and Tommy-Lee came later. We all had a Chinese for tea, apart from Jay-Jay he had pizza.
Lindsay opened her presents from us. Clothes, and a charm for her bracelet. She liked them all and will let us know if they fit.
Into town with Andrew, he wanted a few things so did I. Tomorrow is the Age UK Summer Meal so I will be late home and tired so it made sense to go today. I think we got most things a lot dearer than going on my own though. Never mind I treated Andrew to a few things. Got back and felt quite tired and quite a bit of all over pain. I have walked more this week and a bike ride too.
Today it has bean 13 years since I fell and got diagnosed with RSD. (September/ October) 13 years of pain and uncertainty. I know I can still walk and I don't use my scooter too often but still I want to do more than I do. My Doctor has told me I am doing very well and not to put myself down too much. I know that my body was in a strong position when I did fall with all the walking I did, plus the running, and he thinks that helped a lot. Wietse used to say the same and I agree with them. Also I am quite a strong person and don't give in unless I have to. I still want to run again though. I have had a lot of set backs, my sprained ankle being the latest one. When the time is right I WILL run again.
Helping out at Age UK today as they have a big Summer meal with many guests, they all had a three course meal each. This was booked and paid for a bit back. Everything seemed to go well, a few too many Chiefs and not enough Indians at times. Nills was back as well so good to see him as I did not know he was back. Joy was not her best today but did well. After it was all done and everyone was happy. A raffle was drawn. A man sung Elvis songs, not bad either but the speakers were terrible and vibrated a lot, they need setting up. The man sat next to me had no tickets I had five, so I said you have the top one. He said No it might win, it did-- a bag of coffee was the prize I chose for Andrew. He drinks a lot of coffee and enjoys it, I don't as it upsets my stomach so I don't drink it at all. A busy day and nice to see the older ones happy. After a while I asked if I could go as they were enough helpers to cope with the rest. Joy and I left together both tired. Walked home to rest.
Got Jamie-Lee to sleep over to night. Jay-jay has gone to his Mum as she is having a bit of a Birthday celebration. He will sleep there tonight so Jamie-Lee will have his bed. Jamie was good and settled well for her sleep.
A bit of a BBQ for the family, nice day as well, very warm. Jay-Jay's back here again tonight.
Busy day changed all the beds, three now instead of the usual one. Plus more washing too, ironing as well. My foot was very swollen by night time and hurt a lot, enough to take extra pain killers. A stormy day and very heavy air as well.
Pilate's went well very warm going I was sweating when I got there, then my body had to adjust to the cooler temperature in the hall. A lot of pain in my ankle and leg which went into spasm while riding. I managed to get it right again by stopping my bike and stretching my leg at the road side.
Coming home no problems apart from all the thunder flies.
Acue today nine needles in all. Feet, legs, stomach arms and head. Some had weird reactions like waves and making me jump, other just gentle fluttering. I felt very light after the treatment, done by Fanyi the Tutor. All the students passed their exams and now are fully qualified. Well done to them all.
The Accue has helped my pain and tightness.
Age UK today. Busy but not manic like sometimes we are. Working with a new lady called Jenny today we met last week at the Summer meal, she was on the till and I was doing my usual drinks and anyone that needed me. Nills was there again too, so very good to see him. I have missed him.
Got Andrew an Espresso machine for his coffee drinks, he met me and carried it back.
Andrews things from Amsterdam were coming today but it will be tomorrow now. I am taking up five pairs of Paul's new trousers as he only has short legs. I have a gadget on my sewing machine, but can not get the hang of it and spend more time unpicking the hem. So I tend to do it by hand, one day I will master it, one day as it give a stronger hem.
Not too bad a day pain wise for me I have a headache but I think that's the stormy air more than any thing else. My shoulders are very tight and my foot hurts a lot and is swollen up again.
Bye bye boots.
My boots which are very old, have finally come to the end--- wet feet. We think they are over twenty years old as they were Paul's first then mine. They have served me well on my many walks on the common.23rd
Bean to Angela's to see her decorating at last, she has bean asking me to come for a while now. Not quite finished yet but looks very nice.
Andrews boxes and cases have arrived at last from Amsterdam, all twenty three of them sitting in the dining room. Suddenly the room is very small, hopefully they will be soon put a way and some things stored.
Lots of washing nine loads in all, and it started to rain. The boxes and cases have bean packed around three weeks so some of the clothes were a bit ripe to say the least. He thought they would be here sooner. Never mind it took a while but all done by early morning.
Rain again most of the day so no drying the clothes. Andrew has got his work stuff set up but the rest of his things are still in the dining room and others parts of the house. Not used to this, but it will take time to sort out after all its seven years of his life here.
Yes rain again, not able to put the washing out some dried inside so less now. Not too much ironing either which is good as I hurt a lot today.
Got some wood today from the garage at the back of us for the fire pit, they did not want it. Jay-Jay and I set about taking out the nails and sorting it out in to lengths. I think it was a pallet. This will fuel a few fires I think.
A heavy warm day but at least no rain back to normal washing now not a laundry.
All Andrews washed clothes are on the settee as no drawers to put them in till latter this week. So another room taken over.
Woke up very hot and sweaty when I stood up I felt very dizzy. My temperature has bean very bad the last few days, very much up and down. Something I have RSD to thank for!!
No Pilate's today, just as I was ready to set off it poured down and I would have nearly bean drowned, so I did an hour at home I still have my mat so able exercise in comfort. I don't use my mat at class as its chair and standing moves only. So it made a nice change to do it this way today. I enjoyed it as well and I did feel like I had done a good session too.
Jay-Jays at a friends tonight, so no cheek from him. He has mostly not bean a problem so nice to have him here for a while, not sure for how much longer though. When he first came it was only for a few days that was four weeks ago.
Paul picked up two chest of drawers for Andrews bedroom, pine ones they need a good wax and polish otherwise they are very solid and just right. Started the washing and waxing after a late tea.
They look a lot different now four coats of wax plus another one tomorrow. Finally finishing at eleven pm. I ached so much.
Now for my MAGNESIUM bath.This helps to sooth and relaxes me. I have bean using this for a while now. As long as I can stay in more than ten minutes it helps
Paul put the last coat of wax on the drawers and buffed them up they look really good, better than I thought they would. Now to get them up stairs and filled with Andrew things.
Looking good a lot of hard work though, but I think it was worth it.
Age UK very busy Nills not here, on Holiday, so a bit short of staff today I was on the till and drinks and in between washing up when Steve had to help with waitressing. Working with Jenny again. She said I like working with you the best, as you help me so much and seem to be in control. Not sure about that one though. Yes we do work well together and I enjoy it as much as her. Left around three pm a bit of shopping then home.
He is coming here for the weekend so that will be good. I have a house full so he will sleep on the settee. I have slept on there many times when I have bean ill, its comfortable so he will get a good sleep.
Wayne arrived around six thirty, I am looking after Ben and Emmie two doors away so will not be here for long. I missed a Chinese tea too never mind there's always another time.
The children were very good so I was able to rest a bit and watch television for a change.
Nes and Squidge arrived home and I stopped awhile chatting, then came home. Everyone was still up even though it was one thirty.
Happy Birthday to Wayne my oldest son.
Gave Wayne his card and presents. He was very pleased with them all. BBQ for the family today hopefully it will not rain. The BBQ was good and no rain till we were getting everything in so it was a good afternoon. The children enjoyed it as well and so did Summer.
Very tired today and a lot of pain in my legs and shoulders. Pins and needles in my hands too.This RSD is so weird you could not make it up.
I had a strange sort of attack or mini seizure late night/early morning. Not sure if it was a proper seizure or not. It has bean over a year since my last seizure that started in the swimming pool on holiday.
I know something had happened to me, as I had the usual bad head, and a lost sort of feeling.
Still feel a bit strange if that's the word, lost not quite with it at all and very tired.
At last all Andrews washing is done-- I think I have washed everything he owns. Paul brought down a big case and said it was full of washing. Oh NO not more I said, the last case had nine loads in it and this one is twice the size. No--Thank goodness not that much in the case, only two big loads to do then finished it all. There will be quite a bit of ironing though as there are lots of shirts.
Well a better month for me, my foot is improving day by day. Still very swollen at night and also my knee and shins hurt more than usual. Hope you have all had a bit of the better days. See you next time. Love Gill.
To end with a picture of Summer on Andrews shoulder her favourite place to be since she was a Pup