October 2nd
Age Uk was slightly different today to say the least. We had a steady morning and were coming to the end of another day. A lady ordered a coffee and scone and asked if it was alright to leave her husband here while she popped to an appointment, she said I wont be long. The man called Paul suffered from alzheimer's. I sat with him a while and talked to him. He was a very nice man. Quite easy to talk too as well. I kept going back to him inbetween doing jobs. An hour passed and the staff were getting a bit worried. The other Gill said this happened once before and the lady never came back. They had to get Social services in--- OH NO. I had already told him he could come home with me a few times as he was getting a bit restless asking for his wife. I did not want him to walk out and get lost. More talking and another coffee for him. In walks his wife apologising for being so long, I was quite relieved. What would Paul had said if I had taken him home??? I was pleased I could have helped but all the same got a bit worried when she was gone so long. Very late leaving today about 4.15 but at least I made someone happy.
Right today Paul and I are travelling to the East Midlands Airport to fly to Saint Malo's Port in Brittany for a few days. I have booked this as a surprise Birthday present for Paul (26th September)
Last year for Paul's 60th I booked a weeks holiday but was taken into hospital so we could not go. So this year is a make up present. We travelled by car to the airport arriving in plenty of time. Soon it was time to board the plane. 2.55pm.
I love looking at the clouds and the ground trying to make out houses and roads. Lots of clouds today they look like snow.
Wayne was watching it on the Internet program. He told me later the plane just seemed to drop out the sky and land, I know I felt the jolt as it did. Unfortunately it was raining here, after getting our cases we headed to get a taxi. We arrived at the Hotel after going round in circles for a while because we shared the taxi with another couple. They were not sure where they wanted to be. We actually passed our hotel Paul said, so after dropping them off we finally got here.
The hotel was the Ibis Style Saint Marlo Port and very nice, we had a walk in shower, we originally asked for a bath but these were only available as a suite.
They gave use one of the disabled rooms so a lot easier for me. Bigger room as well, very nice- only thing against it was, a bit noisy as right on the road side, but this died down at night. The staff were very nice and spoke English quite well.
Later we went for a walk and got soaked, we were dripping as we walked back to the hotel. Very tired as a long day but happy. The shower is very powerful and hot and soon warmed me up.
Not too bad a night considering strange bed and surroundings. Breakfast was a typical french style buffet, meat, cheese etc, very tasty too.
These were offered at the buffet they were like a dry Yorkshire pudding.
We walked into the city which was about fifteen minutes away. This is a walled City which can be walked on all the way round.
A map showing the coast line.
Something we will do later. On the way we pass the port where men and young boys mend and sort fishing nets. The port is a full fishing one where fish and shell fish are landed daily.
The City is full of shops and restaurants of all sorts and a lovely place to visit.
A bridge that opened for the big ships to go through.
Around Saint Malo.
Ferry across to Dinard.
View though turret window.
Along the city wall getting wet.
As we walked along the beach, a boat was just landing it's catch of scallops.
Back to the Hotel for a rest ourselves as very tired and in a bit of pain. We stayed in tonight and had a meal in the restaurant, I had chicken risotto, Paul had chicken pasta. Basic but tasty.
We spoke to Andrew on skype- he is going to Valencia on Thursday.
More walking and looking around mostly along the coast line when we could. We went to places called Saint Servan also Cite d alet- a Jurassic Park look alike, even had the same truck they used in the film. (Actually it was in the car park, nothing to do with the place). No dinosaurs, I think they had escaped. An old place with houses dating back as far as the 1600s.
Does it look like Jurassic Park then?
The truck.
The steps we had to climb.
A boat going slowly by, We think these were trip boats.
Risky fishing!!
We stopped for a rest and a drink-- cheers.
and Paul.
World War Two iron turret, I think it saw a lot of action protecting the country.
Old little houses very pretty.
A very pretty place so much to see on and off land.
In the afternoon we walked into the city and guess what? we found an English fish and chip shop, Paul was well pleased. The owner had come here from London not long ago (his wife is from Saint Malo) to set up a traditional English fish and chip shop just like his Grandad used to do. Even using the family recipe for a lot of things.
We had tea here later but not before getting soaked. A storm blew up and we were very close to the beach. The wind was so strong it nearly blew me over. We were very wet and our coats and trousers made puddles on the floor of the shop. I had chips and Paul fish and chips they came wrapped in newspaper and tasted so good.
This shop is just along from the Ibis Hotel.---1 Rue des Orbettes | Inside the Walls, 35400, Saint-Malo, France
More sightseeing this time again along the coast line when we could. A place called Le Rosais and an area called Bellevue. Again very pretty places.
Well worth going through the arch.
Our Hotel. This was opposite the port but a fish building restricted the view.
Don't jump.
We thought this was good.
We walked along the beach back to the city.
The waves were getting a bit rough.
A little french sparrow, they were very tame a little too tame for me.
I love these rides, nice and slow--just like me.
A lovely sunset a nice end to another day.
Here in Saint Malo most of the crossing are pelican ones, very few green men here. The cars just stop for you.
I went over on my bad foot causing a lot of pain to my foot and my knee which I think I wrenched. Knee swollen so is my foot. Both bruised up later
I have slept reasonable well here so not really lost any more hours.
There are a few little islands here only accssible at low tide and today was a good low tide but not for long.. We have been told that the tides here are high and you have to be careful you don't get trapped. The island called Grand Be another one near to it is Fort du Petit Be we could not get to- the path is under water most of the time.
Twice a day, every 6 hours, the sea sweeps into the Bay, with a tidal difference according to the forces of attraction of the moon, the sun and the earth’s rotation. The beach and rocky Breton coast is then covered and uncovered.
Tides take place daily but they always offer something special and the “Emerald Coast” is full of unexpected surprises.
Due to its location, The “Bay of Saint-Malo” is the scene of the biggest tides in Europe. When the Atlantic Ocean, a huge mass of water, rushes into the mouth of the English Channel, the wave of the sea comes, first, very quickly and then, very strongly.
The tidal range - the difference between high tide and low tide - is on average, more than twelve metres (12m) at the full-moon, the greatest along with St Michael’s Bay for all Europe.

Keeping watch.
This was an old swimming pool, all week we thought it was- now we can see it.
See the steps, that's all we saw until now.
View of the city from Grand Be.
The path to Grand Be.
These were on the sand??
The path almost covered. This was about an hour later.
We would have liked to have gone on to see Fort National but we did not have time also we probably would have got trapped by the tide.
Fort National.
We also walked along Mole des Noires , a 520m jetty.
The story goes that the wives of the sailors used to walk it to meet there husbands coming back from the sea.
The little light house type thing at the end, is where they would have stood waiting for their loved ones hoping they would come back safe.
Looking for shells.
We had our last look of the city and the beach. Then walked inland to a place called Rocabey which was mostly houses
We had our last look of the city and the beach. Then walked inland to a place called Rocabey which was mostly houses
Bye bye Saint Malo I would love to come again sometime.
We have walked miles this week but it's bean lovely. Time to head to the airport I have enjoyed these few days, so has Paul. A lovely place.
Flight was delayed, but only by half an hour, two little boys kept use all amused, we were soon on the plane heading home- again a good smooth ride home.
On the whole not too much extra pain for me even from my foot and knee I hurt. My body seemed to have coped well
The plane going home.
Lift off.
Home-- to Summer.
Bye bye France see you again I hope.
Here comes the sun.
Back in England East Midlands Airport.
Picked up Summer then home very tired as well. Lindsay and family have all bean ill while we were away, but have improved now- a stomach bug going round she thinks.
Andrew will be in Spain now and I think it will feel a bit warmer than Amsterdam.
Nice to be home but also sad as well we both had a nice time there and would go again sometime.
Washing and resting as much as possible.
I think Summer was pleased to be home even though she loves it at Lindsay playing with Suey their dog and the children. I know she missed me, as I did her. We both had a good nights sleep.
Lindsay's here with everyone, Jay-Jay is staying here tonight, not Tommy-Lee, he has a football match tomorrow morning. A good day, tired though. Jay-Jay watched television for a while with me. First there was a lot of swearing on a comedy program so he turned over to Family Guy who were discussing sex and marriage problems, thought that was bad, next thing we watched was a man with a giant testicle weighing more than Jay-Jay about five stone. His face was a picture I had seen it before so I knew what was coming, when the man dropped his shorts and his testicle dropped out. A night to remember I think, especially for Jay-Jay. I used the foot massager so did Jay-Jay. He liked it, I did not it made me hurt a lot, the vibration I think is too much.
Jay Jay enjoying his feet treat.
Despite all the shock of last nights television Jay Jay said he slept well. We have got his sister as well today, she is a bit young to watch Tommy Lee play and its cold now. Tommy-Lee is playing at Ingoldmells a seaside town near Skegness on the east coast about an hour or so away.
We all took Summer for a walk on the common Jamie-Lee enjoyed it and was running around with Jay-Jay and Summer.
Lindsay phoned up and said Tommy-Lee had got man/boy of the match well done mate. They did not
win but Lindsay said it was a good game.

Jay Jay got an award for PE.
Everyone had tea here, roast beef plus the extra bits. Four adults and three children-- well the boys eat more than me. The meal was tasty, a long day but good.
Blood test and B12 today. the B12 really hurt this time by the end of the day my arm was swollen and sore.
Andrew is home from Valencia now, he was not in contact with use while away, he had lost his phone.
Apart from that he had a good time.
Paul said he was a bit worried in the night well early morning about three thirty as he said my legs and body were jumping, he thought maybe a seizure was coming on. I had not bean in bed very long.
Sometimes this happens not sure why?
ACUPUNCTURE today 32 needles in all legs, ankles, arms hands and my face and head. I am hoping these help me again. My sinuses have bean quite bad this last week. Also help with the pain in my knees and shoulders. The nose ones hurt a lot even after bean taken out. I was told these are going in a very sensitive area just under my nose. I have had these before but hurt a lot more today. The ankle ones in my right foot also hurt. Many weird reactions again. Fizzing and shooting feeling. All finished with a cup of tea in the cafe then home.
I have Jay-Jay again tonight as Tommy-Lee is at football practise, just him this time Jamie-Lee is at her friends house.
Tired, so Jay-Jay and I just sat and talked a bit. He had tea with us, well a bit he had an early tea but he said-- that was ages ago Nan! Beef in gravy and mashed potatoes with veg. Lindsay picked him up and it was home to get ready for bed.
Another long day tired and in a bit of pain tonight took some IBUES.
Fair night but as usual short. Not sure if you people with insomnia are the same as me, Mine goes like this some nights, I can go to bed anywhere from two pm to four pm and get to sleep, even if its only for a few hours. Other times even at four pm after having no sleep for about nineteen hours or more it feels like the middle of the day. I am so physically tired but NO sleep will come to me.
Pilate's today, it went very well managing just about everything now. Jo is back now and well again. I have asked if in the new year, if I remain well, could I go back to my original class? She said she thinks that would be possible so long as I keep well.. Hopefully things will go my way.
All hats now done for Age UK. 158 in all.
A lot of ironing tonight so my arms ache.
Dentist today to repair a filling and for him to look at my other top tooth. As he is a new dentist I told him about my RSD.
On to the work in hand, he injected the Lidocaine to numb the area and started drilling, I hate this bit still a lot of pain so another syringe full injected. Drilling started again as he got deeper I could still feel PAIN. He finished with another tool. This was better, soon the filling went in and all was finished. I was shaking a lot I think he was a bit concerned I was advised to sit in the waiting room for a while. I did this and ten minutes later I was on my way home. The other tooth a wisdom one needs to come out as a lot has crumbed away. This tooth is not bad though.
Later my face is burning and still numb after eight hours. I feel a lot better now. I went to bed at about three am face still numb in places.
First thing I slipped down the stairs, not sure what happened. one minute walking down, the next sliding on my back bashing my right foot and arm and left hip and shoulder. Not the best start to the day.
Age UK today as well. I think they have missed me even though someone said- have you bean away? Anna, I know missed me.
Busy as usual, a new manger has started and I think he will be good for the place. Very hands on and easy to talk to. Sheila is not here for the next two weeks so he will be going on the till. I said one week I did both the drinks and till-- too much for me. He agreed too much for anyone.
I ache a lot today maybe something to do with the stairs trip and ACUPUNCTURE. Taken quite a few IBRUES. I often wonder what pain am I really in, still in pain with all I take. ???!!
Walking back my knees really hurt so does my neck and shoulders. Pleased to be home for a nice cup of tea and a sit down in my chair BLISS--- of course Summer had to join me for a cuddle.
Paul's at Dudley today, so just me and Pup. Lindsay will be round later probably very late morning or even afternoon. I went to meet them as Jamie-Lee walked like a big girl she said, its quite a long way about mile and a half. After all she was only just three, last month. She was very happy and loved the run on the common with Summer.
Home for dinner, home cooked chips plus whatever else the children would like. They have theirs first, Lindsay and I usually nick a few chips to last us till ours is ready. As I have said before the boys are big eaters, Jamie-Lee can be at times. Dinner eaten, so good. Time to play dollies and exercising things of mine. Gym ball, stretch band plus a pull up type rowing machine and skipping rope. All good fun till they started falling out.
Again quite a lot of pain everywhere, its bean quite a busy week with a lot of extra walking. Hopefully thing will calm down.
I have started knitting some dolls clothes for a doll for Jamie-Lee for Christmas. Other than that a quite night.
Later up today, so a walk later as well. Summer did not mind as she was asleep on the chair. A good walk not as cold today. After she had a rest I decided to bath her. She rolled in something smelly yesterday so did not smell good in fact pretty bad. After her bath, well a shower really, she looks so sweet and clean and smelt so nice. How long for, is anybody's guess. I think she might have bean better off being a black dog more than a pure white one.
Very clean and sparkly white.
Everyone loves Summer and she is well know on the common. She is a sweet natured dog and loves everyone, four legs or two, even eight legged as well. She follows spiders along the floor and watches them go up high. So gentle, everyone wants her but she is MINE. If she ever has pups they will go so fast to new homes I think she will have to have loads to keep everyone happy.Her friend Mr Ginge came to see us later and spent a few hours here fast asleep in Summers basket.
He looks very settled.
I thought summer would get in with him but, after one of Ginges looks she decided not to, and went to sleep herself..
Acupuncture today this was done by Sarah, I have had treatment with her before. A lot of this was painful. 33 needles in all. Also needles under my nose to help my dry nose and throat. Various reactions to them, electric on my knees. I am now having a gap before my next session, there choice not mine. I think this will cause problems but for now I am willing to go along with it. I can ring up if things get bad. I always feel better after the treatment- not always at the time though usually the next few days.
Pilates went well, I managed all but the arms up one and behind my head. Jo said don't do this move because of my shoulder.At one session it became partially dislocated. Jo put in back into place.
In the afternoon Helen my hair dresser and good friend came to see me. She trimmed my hair so I don't look so wild now. She stayed for tea then went on to see a friend, she does not live in Lincoln.
now. My hair has gone very curly now its longer.
Appointment with my Doctor-- Various things this time, one of them to help me get back some of my circulation better. He has given me blood pressure tablets. AMLODIPINE This help by opening the blood vessels so makes the blood flow faster, well thats the theory anyway. I hope this helps as my legs and bum have bean so cold. One of the many nasty things that RSD gives you. My blood results are good so the B12 injection has helped. he said I am on it for good now and will not be taken off again.
Age Uk went very well-- Very busy the new kitchen manager seems to be alright.
Jay-Jay made me a coaster at school on the CADCAM machine (laser cutter)
Jay-Jay made me a coaster at school on the CADCAM machine (laser cutter)
The coaster Jay-Jay made.
I am going to my friend today, Bev at Beeston near Nottingham. Going on the train its a straight through journey so good for me. Bev met me at the station, we went for a walk along the Marina nice as a sunny day and not too cold. Back to the house for dinner baked potato and salad, nice and tasty.
A very good day but very tired at night, but not my brain, so hard to sleep as usual. I put my electric blanket on my bed, a warm bed to start with has got to help, hopefully.
For the last few days I have had a headache and more joint and muscle pain. I think it could be the new tablets. My head and neck have shooting pains a lot of the time.
I went to learn how to use a very professional coffee machine installed in the Age UK cafe. This makes cappuccinos and lattes plus many more.
Out for a meal with Lindsay and family for Tracys Birthday. Happy Birthday to you. Her Mum and Dad are coming as a surprise for her. We got her some pjs and a minnions case. A good night I enjoyed it, good food as well, everyone ate well and enjoyed them selves.
Pilate's went quite well, a bit painful as still suffering from, I think side affects from AMLODINE
I did my best anyway.
Jay-Jay and Tommy-Lee here for today and stopping the night. We are having fun on the Wii nice to have someone to play a few games with. They all are including Jamie-Lee, using my exercise stuff and having fun.
Out for a meal with Lindsay and family for Tracys Birthday. Happy Birthday to you. Her Mum and Dad are coming as a surprise for her. We got her some pjs and a minnions case. A good night I enjoyed it, good food as well, everyone ate well and enjoyed them selves.
Tracy in her PJS.
Cake time.
Lindsay looking very smart---Jay Jay at the back.
Pilate's went quite well, a bit painful as still suffering from, I think side affects from AMLODINE
I did my best anyway.
Jay-Jay and Tommy-Lee here for today and stopping the night. We are having fun on the Wii nice to have someone to play a few games with. They all are including Jamie-Lee, using my exercise stuff and having fun.
The boys had a good night they are doing stuff on the computer. I am pleased so I can clean up.
I still ache a lot and have a bad head. I have decided to stop the AMLODIPINE, I have read up about it and I am suffering a lot of what they talk about. I know the affects will not be instant.
The boys packed up their stuff and Paul took them to Lindsay's after dropping me off in town. Usually I walk but today had the cuckoo clock with me, for some reason he has stopped coming out of his little house, but still making the cuckoo noise. I think he does not like the new front room. Anyway the man who mends the clocks is not there anymore. Paul picked the clock up when he dropped Lindsay and family off at the train station. That was good so I did not have to carry it around and risk breaking it. They are going to visit their other Nan and Grandad.
Age UK one word, MANIC- MAD, a new coffee machine, a new young lad on the till--- never bean on the till before. Somehow we got though, I was helping him as well. He was a good worker and did well. I only made two coffees, one for a customer and one for staff. So not in great demand but we will see, early days yet. The machine is a bit different to the one we were shown on Tuesday as well.A long day and painful one too. I did not get home till four gone. I left home at ten.
A nice Badedas bath later that helps me a lot, trouble is my RSD plays up and I have to get out. The hot water definitely helps me, I think if I could stay in there I would be a lot less stiff and in less pain.
Well last day of this month Halloween as well. Lindsay dropped off the children so she could go shopping easier. They were good but very noisy. They are going to a friends, and later going out-- Trick or Treating.
Summer wants to go too so does Paul.
Paul I think??
Tommy-Lee Jamie-Lee and Tracy.
They all had a good time even calling here as well.
Well here we are in November not too bad weather wise, quite mild. All that could change though.
I hope you enjoyed this big blog. Lots of pictures maybe too many? So many things went wrong I did not think I would ever finish it on time to publish it, but I did hope things are good with you all. Till next time---- Love Gill..