
June 1st

Cleaning up downstairs today, got so much done then Molly and Cory arrived. Molly,s Birthday today. Gave her, the card and present plus money. Cory is walking well and always seems happy. Luna was a bit scared of him and kept hiding under the table. Jay-Jay came here after he had finished work. 

When they had all gone home I carried on with the cleaning and got it all done just be for 5pmm. Chinese for tea so at least I do not have to cook tonight. 


Scrubbed the dinning room carpet, probably tomorrow Paul will go over with the carpet cleaner. A bit more knitting later, I have bean making more glove puppets going well. When I have done a few, will put a picture  on here.


Cleaning up stairs today, got our bedroom done plus the spare room. The computer room will be done tomorrow. Paul went over the dinning room carpet with the cleaner. Looks good now just about all the stains have gone now. 


Windy and quite cold on the common. Having a rest day as hoping to go to Pilates tomorrow. Just doing a few bits in the garden like filling up the cans and watering where necessary, rest of time knitting. 


Pilates yes- I got there, no problems with bike going up the hill. Good session I felt I did quite well. We finished well on time today as Jo had an appointment. I was pleased as the Star ship (Elon Musk's Mars mission) had another attempt at getting into space. This started at one pm well was meant too, but was a bit late Every thing went very well just a bit of fire at the end. Even so it still did as it was supposed to do, and splashed down in the sea.Well done Star ship and Elon's team. Another step closer to Mars.


Was going to clean up, but decided to have a rest day instead. My hips feel quite sore today I think its the Pilates I did yesterday. One of the moves involved swinging my leg out and then across body. Feels easy at the time but its later you feel the effects.


The walk on the common was nice. Luna was playing with a hound dog called Jenny. Luna looked so tiny next to her, but this did not bother her at all. She had fun and was tired when we got back home. Coming up the cobbled path from the road to our street, I saw Bella, Debbie's Dog in the window of their house. I said Hello Bella and carried on walking. A voice then, said Hello, I looked back expecting to see someone. No one there I looked up the cobbles no one there. Did Bella speak? No someone  further along the river bank road. When I told Debbie she laughed. 


Good walk with Luna, the rain just about held off. Looking after Andy's cat as he is at his parents for a few days, after hurting his ribs again. Hopefully he will be home later today. 

Helped Paul sort out the loft above the shed got rid of quite a bit of unwanted stuff. Got it all back up there be for it rained. Later I was on a small step stool in the shed when I lost my balance ( a regular thing that happens) and fell against the window brick frame work. I hurt my ribs and back, a bruise later I think. 

Lindsay and Tracy came round later in the afternoon. Both doing good Tracy had bean for a scan on her heart. Not Lincoln hospital, no Grantham hospital, miles away. Everything ok.   


Another short night in bed from three am - seven am. Good early walk on the common be for eight o'clock. I have decided not to go to Pilates as lack of sleep, and quite a bit of pain as well. I have a ten mile round bike trip, plus an hour at least of moves and exercise.

 I have given Luna a bath as she seems a bit itchy she smell lovely now not sure if she agrees though. She did not jump out the bath this time either. 


Showers most of the day, we were lucky and avoided them for our walk.  My friend Mary goes away for two weeks to South Africa. She used to live there, a lot of her family are still living there. She was not very keen on leaving Rory her dog. She said he is going to be looked after very well and in his own home too. 


A rest day today as bean quite busy the last few days. Doing a bit more knitting of the children's hat etc. Chinese for tea I went across to the take away to get it. I got Paul something for Father Day from Luna, some crunchies chocolate bars. We had a phone call from Wayne and Kayleigh to say that they were coming for a flying visit tomorrow. 


Wayne and Kayleigh got here around one thirty, Paul picked them up from Newark train station. They are both doing well. Wayne had a bit of a problem with his Hay fever but not too bad, he is coping just. They got Paul gifts and a card. Also a Birthday present for Andrew a fluffy hoodie, very soft and warm, fitted him well too. I did chips for Kayleigh and Wayne be for they left. Paul took them back to Newark around seven thirty to get the train home. Wayne said his fourteen year cat Timmy is doing really well at the moment, even  jumping up on to the sofa to sit with them. A lovely day Lindsay and Jamie-Lee here too. Only a short time here for Wayne and Kayleigh but very good to see them. We even had a game of Monopoly, where Paul won easy, he slaughtered us all. A good game though.


Bit in the garden with Andrew planted beans peas and put in the tomatoes. Everything out side this year as no big greenhouse. The little one that Andy gave us is a big help with the seeds and small plants till they are big enough to be planted out in the garden. 

Luna had her hair cut and looks good, thirty pound plus three pound tip. 

Be for hair cut.

Look at the colours on her back.

Pretty face.
Doing a bit of climbing.


Hair cut  for me today looks good as usual my hair always takes a few days to calm down after being cut. Debbie who has cut my hair for the last few years- probably around four years plus could not believe how long my hair had got. I have got a good head of hair, and it seems to get more volume each year.

Luna had a vet check up and booster injection. Every thing good and the vet was so gentle with the injection that Luna did not know he had done it. The trainee vet said Luna was very sweet. 


Changed the bedding and got some washed. Did Andrews yesterday, or should I say he did.

At Pilates today, did alright, and I was pleased with my session. At the end Jo did an arms thing moving them up down and across depending on what number Jo said. We were following Jo, but she was getting it wrong all the time. Quite funny moves to end a hard session with. 


Happy Birthday Andrew. I do hope you have a good day. We got him mostly BB gun stuff, plus a pack of hot  sauces, and sweets. One  of the guns did not work rights needs sorting out. We were going to have a take away but it did not happen because Paul said it was too late to have one. Hopefully tomorrow, disappointing for Andrew.


Bean quite warm for the last few days 23C- 27 C. nice to feel the warmth but its very humid with it. I am doing salad for tea with salad potatoes. the sun late afternoon shines right into the kitchen so is very warm in there. With  the oven on it hot, hot. Bit more knitting later, hat bits.  


Very hot and humid today  got to around 27C in the afternoon. I watered the garden later. Cleaning up down stairs. Having to stop to cool down as feeling a bit dizzy at times. Got it all done late afternoon. Sat down for rest of day a bit more knitting. Felt a sting pain sort of sensation in my left calf, had a look and there was a big hard lump, very hot, with a  bruising forming. I used to get these all the time while running. Look like a burst blood vessel. I am at the Doctors tomorrow so if still there, will get the nurse  to check it out. 


Another very warm start to the day. Warm breeze on the common another hot one I think. 26 C later, going to be like this for the next few days. Doing my June Blog. The blood test that I was having today has bean cancelled till July 10th, so no leg check up. Not going to do much today as I have a Pilates zoom class with Jo tonight. She phoned me yesterday and asked me if I wanted to join to see if I liked it. This would be handy if wet weather, or very cold later on in the year. Any way I will see what its like. Andrew is going to help me with logging on to the site. 

The zoom class went quite well after taking ages to log on as problems both ends.Too many distractions where I was in the dinning room. (Has to be big enough area to be able to move freely) Dogs on both sides of us barking. Football on tv in another room, people going past in the street. Arguing next door. Luna wanted to join in and thought it was great when I was laid on my mat. She sat on my chest wagging her tail and giving me kisses.. Jo thought it was quite funny but I told Luna to lay down and she just watched from then on wagging her tail. I enjoyed it to a point but if I do it again I think I will set up the lap top upstairs in our bedroom.  

Pilates on my bike as usual nice ride as quite warm, but very windy. I did not realise how strong the wind was, till going home and realised it was back wind going there and head wind going home. I did not get chance to talk to Jo about the Zoom class as she had some new people to talk to. No Pilates next week as voting for general election. 

Big bruise has come up on my calf but it is not as hard and painful as it was. So all good I think. At night both my legs were so cold and painful. 


Good cool walk on the common not as warm but good for me as doing the bedrooms today. Got them all done but so hard today felt very hot ad so tired. Pleased it was cooler, as would have bean worse. 


Another cooler day cloud most of it good for me as cleaning up down stairs today.  Had to keeping sitting down as dizzy and so tired. Got it all done in the end so that's it till next week. Gave Andy's cats it tea as Andy is away. Bit more knitting, making a balaclava but did it wrong but it will be ok I think.

Well not too bad a month this time. The walks on the common with Luna certainly keep me going. Pain still there but not all the time. Keep taking the tablets all will be fine!! All the very best to all of you 

Love Gill.


May  1st

Another warm day, but dull most of the time. Sorting out in the garden trying to get things tidied up a bit, as the last few weeks it has looked a real mess. We are moving the shed forward later this year, so quite a bit of the soil in the raised garden bed had to be removed, also the rhubarb. Then some of the soil and rhubarb put back. A paving slab also has to be cut and placed  in its new position. The jobs have to be done in order so at times the garden will look worse than it did. When finished hopefully it will be worth the effort. 

The dog next door hardly stopped barking, the whole time I was out there. Luna was good and laid in the shade, and at times in the sun. She only barked to tell the dog next door to shut up. She is as fed up of it as we are. Hopefully it will quieten soon. I got quite a lot done but with this virus still hanging on, I was coughing a lot. My back and hips hurt most of the time and kept going into spasms.


I did not go to Pilates as not fit enough. I think the moves would make me cough and my body would ache too much. Hopefully next week I will feel like it. I did do the ironing and a few other bits around the house, very tired all the time. Andrew is not too good either, a really bad chesty cough, the type that makes you sick. He is blaming Andy from across the road. I should not have let him in but he likes to talk. He was coughing a lot, so I think he gave the virus to me and then to Andrew. 


Saw my first set of chicks on the river today. I hope she can keep them safe from the rats and things. I feel very tired today and ache so much. My voice is raspy and my throat is sore, my voice keeps going then coming back again.


Jay-Jay my Grandson is here today to help Paul with cleaning the gutters. He is a roofer so heights do not bother him. Or that's what you would think, but while talking to him he said- he was frighten of heights. I had to ask him twice as I thought I did not hear him correct. He said he did not think how high he was, and then he was fine. Well done Jay-Jay.


Summer did not need her little jacket on today. She looked even smaller with out it. I think she has had it on every day since we got her it last winter.  Cleaning up down stairs today, but ache so much. Andrew is still quite ill the cough he has is keeping him awake. 


Not quite as warm today but still very pleasant as the older people would say. Checking through Aprils Blog as I do not think Andrew is up to it, he usually checks for me be for it gets published for mistakes. Doing a bit more knitting, the little fluffy mitts I am making went a bit wrong. Instead of casting off the second one, I gathered it up like you do on the thumb. I could not get it right so pulled it back to the starting plain  pink part. The fluffy wool is called eyelash with an extra strand. Almost impossible to undo and pick up the stiches again, a bit like Velcro. I soon knitted it up again and all was fine. I will put up some pictures in this Blog later  as I have done a few sets now.


Not a good night, pain every where. I can not lay in bed for long after I wake up. My body just hurts so much and does not get much better though out the day. The walk on the common helps a bit but can cause other bits to hurt as well. Hopefully this virus thing will soon say good bye to me. Also Andrew as well as he still looks so ill, and is. 


Walk on the common so painful. Going up the hill bit I could hardly breathe and could not stop coughing. Good job I did not see any one I knew. I waved to a few other dog walker. Luna and I saw a baby deer. I think it got chassed by a dog. There are a few unreasonable walkers on the common, that think its ok, and even funny to let their dogs chase  the young deer. The little thing passed right in front of us and was running fast. Poor little thing was so scared, I do not think it saw Luna and I.

Later I did a bit in the garden, weird but moving around can make my pain less if I am lucky. Andy came round with a small up right green house for us. Needs patching up a bit and cleaning but I think it will be fine for what Andrew and I want.

Patched up  and all ready filling up.


Andy across the road has pulled a muscle in his chest, he says coughing- but he did do some things in his garden. He went to A and E. He will stay at his parents for a few days to recover. Not sure who is looking after the cat as he has not asked me this time. Another warm day two lots of washing out and dried well. 


Paul at his AGM  so on my own again not that its much different when he is here. I cleaned up a bit, not as much  pain today. A bit more knitting going well this time no more big mistakes. Two friends called in to see me and Luna, David and Catherine. They had bean to the same AGM. Paul won a flower planter which was very nice. He also won two sets of mugs.

This is very preety.

Chinese later for tea very nice I had beef curry and rice.


The slab now is in place and just needs the cement to dry out.The soil and rhubarb can then be put back.  There is rain next week so it will probably not be possible to work in the garden then.


Poor Andrew coughing his guts up and finding it hard to breathe. This was around half two he had bean to bed but had to get up again. I had advised him to take some bronchial mix in hot water. This he said made him worse. I was upset and stayed up with him for an extra hour or so. I could not stay awake any longer. I had bean up since around eight. Going to bed last night as usual around two thirty. Andrew came in and told me to go to bed he was feeling a bit better. This was around four am.

Yes it did rain later and quite a bit too. The gardens are very dry so its good for the rain to come now.


The last few days my back has bean so painful, not sure if its the virus or what, I know it hurts when walking and going up the hills on the common. With the common being so wet again, its better to go up the hills than the flat, as it so boggy, and slippery now, after the rain. The common had actually dried out a bit, but now big puddles again. Welly boots are the standard wear of the common all year round. Last year it hardly dried out all summer.


On the common Luna and I saw three small deer and a hare. We were out early around eight am. This time of the day they are looking for food and playing. What makes me very mad is that some of the dog walkers let their dogs chase after the deer. Simple fix-- keep them on the lead, when near the lakes, where the deer are mostly seen and live. My friend did see a dead one a few weeks back. This probably was not related to a dog, could have bean a fox or even a natural death. I know it shook her up. 


The common after the rain is a sea of yellow buttercups and looks so pretty they are higher than Luna, she is around twelve inches high. 

Sea of Yellow Buttercups.   

Also the conker trees ( horse chestnut) look very preety with their candles standing so proud. 

Cleaning up again, this took a long time finishing around four thirty. I was pleased I did not have to get tea as Chinese tonight. The new one- Chop-Chop is just as good if not better than the old one. Better still its just across the road like the old one.


A sunny day, saw a lot of people on the common I knew. One lady had her little dog with her, its bean quite ill so it was lovely to see her and better still she is well now. 

I sorted out a bit, behind the shed where I keep the pots and garden things. The wind had blown them around a bit and some had gone into the now building site. I got rid of a lot of things that that had bean saved for future use, but never got used. After the shed gets moved this will be done again and will be easier to do. Planted the strawberries which we got off Lindsay. Cooked tea then sat down with my knitting. This time a scarf to go with the hat set, seems to be taking ages to do. 

Andrew is a bit better today I think all the coughing he did, has released some of the congestion from his chest. He said he felt something pop in his chest as well. Very pleased he is improving as I was quite worried about him.


Saw another little deer on the common out early again. He/she was just there eating its breakfast not aware of us at all. Very sweet, I think it was quite a young one. 

Late morning I started work out in the garden again. I filled up three large planters with soil then put in a load of flower seeds. Hopefully some will come up and they should look very preety. The rest of the soil I sieved so ready for any seeds we might have still to do. Andrew has done a lot of the other seeds mostly veg stuff like tomatoes and cucumbers. They are all looking good.

More knitting later the scarf still going slow but getting longer. Feels now like its actually growing. I do hope the little children will like the things I have done. 


Having a rest day today as very tired. A bad head to start with plus full body ache. I know some is from doing the garden but not all. The RSD and the other pain things do not help. Well when has RSD ever helped??? Sat and did a bit more of the scarf I finished it yah, and then realised is was slightly different to the gloves and hat I had made. Never mind I am sure it will be still good for the children.

Paul put up a dark sheet to stop the light coming in the bedroom in the early morning, not sure If I liked it as gloomy darkness. Luna and I did not sleep any longer. Worth a try though.


A strong cold wind on the common feels quite cold today. I put Luna's coat to keep her warm also mine as well. I changed the bedding later and then put out to dry, the the rotary airier was turning round fast making it hard to get them all on. At least they soon dried. 

Today I am having a change from the hat sets, and making glove hand puppets. 


Tonight we had an Indian for tea, and waited ages for it to be delivered. Mine was a bit disappointing as not a lot of flavor or big bits of veg, quite mushy. I did eat it, but not really enjoyed it as much as I was hoping to. Andrew said he had tasted better as well.  


Painted the boarder on the garden wall. Paul could not do it he said he could not reach across. I did it quite easy, the only problem I had was keeping hold of the brush. I am a lot slimmer than him though.  

Lindsay and Jamie-Lee turned up after a bike ride. Both well Jamie played in the garden and helped me move a few bits away from the area to be painted. She also did some chalk games on the path. She seemed in a good and happy mood today. They stayed for tea as well sausage plus mash and veg of course gravy. Jamie-Lee loves gravy. Quite late when they went nearly ten pm. Andy, Jamie-Lee Dad picked them up. Lindsay and Andy are not together but he takes them places they need to go a lot of the time. 


Quite a cold wind on the common. Walked around the common with Debbie and her dog Knippling. I did the ironing later but not too much today. Nice to get it all done and an empty wash basket.

My hand/wrist  I broke is not really getting any better, pins and needles all fingers and pain going up to the elbow. I am going to ring the hospital to see if I can get an appointment to see the Doctor I saw last time. Not easy to speak to any one as the phone is not answered. 


A dull day but not really cold. Good walk on the common. Hopefully going into town today as I need a few things. Also it will be nice to go somewhere apart from the common. When not in pain or very tired I like to look around at the things that the shops have and be amazed at what you can find. 

Paul is volunteering today at the hospital. I was thinking about going to Pilates but decided not too, then Paul got a message that is was not on this week. Hopefully next week back.

I decided to go into town in the afternoon it was raining a bit but ok. Very windy and got colder too, not like the warm days we have had for the last few days. Got most of what I wanted and did not feel too bad coming home.

Here are the pictures of the hat sets I have made so far.

Eight sets in all so far and still plenty of wool left.

Luna--- what have you done?

Nothing yet.

Another Blog gone by, did not seem a month since the last one. I was not so good in this one but improving now. So is Andrew but not quite as well yet. He did get the virus a weeks after me. Mine started around April 12th. Hope you are all keeping well Love Gill.


 April 1st

A bit boggy on the common as it rained in the night quite heavy. We saw a lot of mine and Luna's friends, Debbie and Purdie being two of them. Luna was running around playing and having fun. When we went our separate ways Luna ran after Debbie for a treat. With playing I think Luna had forgot she usually gets something. Mission accomplished she got her treat.  

Cleaned up all down stairs I was very tired after, so just knitting for the rest of day. I think the CRONIC FATIGE is giving me a hard time at the moment, as quite a lot of constant pain and so tired all the time.


Hair cut for Luna and she does sure need one. 

Be for hair cut. 

Her cut went very well this is only her second cut, plus one that was just a tidy up when she was a baby.

All this came off her, more than when I have a hair cut.

How sweet am I.

Resting after her cut she looks so much smaller now.

               So cute and she knows it.                             

Washed all the bedding and got them all dried and ironed too. Tired later but at least its done.


Started knitting some hats and mitts sets for Andy's Mum to send to the children in the war zones. She gave me the wool, some very old like the 60s/70s. Some had rotted but the rest was fine. 

No Pilates today, Jo has bean up most of the night with bad toothache. Angela came round to see us today. She is doing good. Andrew sorted something out for her on her phone. 


Debbie's Birthday- she is out all day so seeing her tonight. When I gave her the jumper and hat she was well pleased with them. She sent me another message later on the land line and said how delighted she was with the set. She knit's her self so knows how much work goes in to making bigger things. This is only the second jumper I have made in years, the last one being Andrews hoodie.

Did a bit more knitting later, of the hat sets, going well so far. Andrew and I took Luna for another walk. Very windy but warm 16C in the afternoon still 13C at midnight weird weather. 


Woke in a lot of pain early morning left arm and wrist and fingers being the worst, but pain just about every. Another lovely day very windy again though. Cleaning up again, just got finished when Lindsay and Jamie-Lee came in. Good to see them both. Lindsay has not bean too good with her bad headaches. Even Jamie-Lee was in a good mood not argumentative at all.


IA dinner ( Paul's Ileostomy lot) today the first one I have bean to in a long time, Went well food good and not too much noise. Still a head ache when I got back. Luna was good with Andrew but very pleased to see me. I took her for a walk on the common. So windy, weather report is for 31 mile an hour winds in many places. Bit more knitting later, just twelve inches of scarf to go thirty three inches in total. This should be enough as children.


Andrew having the lens done on his eye today so he is a bit apprehensive. This is being done at a private clinic as its urgent. The bill is being paid by the National Health plus any further treatment. When him and Paul got back Andrew had an eye  patch on covering his eye. He said it felt a bit sore but not too bad I told him that it will still be a bit numb yet so he could have more pain or not later. He has a lot of different drops to put in at various intervals. Going back for a check up in four weeks. 


I cleaned upstairs today, last time the computer room did not get done as Paul was in it. He did say he would do it but did not. So this time it really needed it. I felt quite dizzy and tired when done late afternoon. I  ache and have a pressure head ache. Paul out for his dinner as usual, as its Wednesday.   


Warm again and windy but a warm wind 16C at eleven pm. We were on the common early today be for eight am. On the way to Pilates my bike was stalling on Canwick hill. This is a steep hill and there is no way I can get up it with out electric peddle assist. I got off and walked up the brow of the hill then it seemed to be alright again. Not sure if it is actually charging up or the gauge is showing wrong on the battery. Its showing half full, easy enough to get me home. I charged it up a few days ago so should show full charge.  

On Pilates a good session but quite hard one Jo making up for last weeks missed one. Her tooth is alright now. Now to get home-- just got out Heighington village and the electrics fizzled out, oh no a long hard way home for me over five miles with out any peddle assist. Very windy too. I kept going I knew that it would be down hill soon. My knees kept saying NO but I kept going till I hit the hill and then I let it go but as I said going its steep. I am not very keen on going down hill fast. There is a lot of traffic too as usual. At last home but in pain every where and so hot. I dragged my bike in and almost collapse.  

I will test the charger later when I recover and hopefully its that. Later when I got Paul to test the charger, we found out it was faulty. It is not putting out full charge and needs replacing. I thought this would be around thirty pounds but no it was fifty nine pounds. Hopefully this will be it and I will be ok for next weeks Pilates. 


Not a good night hot cold awake most of it. Realised that I had not taken my tablets and had gone in to MORPHINE withdrawal. Took them and it soon settled down again but very tired. That is the hold that MORPHINE has got on me now and has bean for a while. BUT I can not cope with the pain with out it. 

Charger arrived today put it on to charge battery. Five hours later full charge showing up on gauge. Just as I thought and hoped it was just the charger.  Hopefully all good for next week's Pilates. I intend to go on my bike be-for next week  just to make sure the bike is fully charged up now. I  think it will be alright.

On the common early eight ish today. A warm west wind. My throat is raspy and I have a sharp head ache on one side. Hopefully not getting what  Andy has got, also Mary has as well I think I already have something as I feel not right. Not quite here feeling. Could also be the bike ride yesterday


Chilly wind on the common. Just going through the gate to go home and Mary and Rory came though. She said she was not feeling well. I said let me take Rory for you. She said no she would be alright. I walked around with her to make sure she was okso. After all she is nearly seventy. Luna had an extra walk. Did it tire her out NO not till later then she had a good sleep. Not feeling the best my self but carrying on


Very cold wind today more like winter that Spring. Cleaning again, then a bit more knitting for the War Children. Finished off a neck warmer not enough wool to do a scarf. Looks good When all the sets done, I will put up pictures. Lindsay and Jammie-Lee here, not for long though. I feel exhausted as its like a one man band for me.


In town today got three gnomes to go with the last three I got when in town, also some lights to replace the other garden lights which have stopped working apart from three. I know one lot I cut the wire so they do not work at all. The other set did work, then just did not come on one night. They are solar powered. Got an appointment for my B12 injection on Monday. Hopefully that will help with my tiredness and pain.

Gnomes my little garden friends.


I did not go to Pilates as not feeling too good hot/cold, head ache, and throat sore and raspy. I think I have the virus that is going round. Still did the ironing took hour and a half all Paul's stuff. 


Paul is away all weekend so just me, Andrew and Luna. Paul left around 9.30 heading to Slough near  Windsor. He will back Sunday afternoon. A windy rainy day. I was going to put the washing out as the sun was out. Went into the bathroom came out, chucking it down, April showers. Dad used to say April was a turning point between Winter and spring for the weather to make up its mind whether its still Winter or going to start Spring.


Cold this morning 4C first off did not raise too much either. Nice walk on common but very cold wind.

Not feeling the best today but still going to clean up down stairs. Then tomorrow I can rest and knit if I want to. Andrew cooked tea for both of us, Hassle-back potatoes, green bean casserole and crumbed cauliflower.  Very nice I was hungry as it was nearly nine when we ate. Still feeling a bit rough.


Luna jumped on the bed around seven thirty, I said to her lay down a bit and she did till eight thirty. We then got up. Cup of tea Luna brushed, then out for a walk. Another easy day as I feel so drained still. I have a very bad headache too the sort that feels like your head is going to explode, more so when I bend down. Paul is back today. Rested and a bit more knitting. Paul arrived home mid afternoon. He said he had a good time with plenty of food. 


B12 injection today The nurse was running about half an hour late as she had computer problems.The injection hurt till around six thirty then just tender. Some I have hurt for a long time a day or more. A wet cold day, rained most of the day. When Luna and I went for our walk it was raining then, but not as fast. When we got back it chucked it down so we were lucky.


Arm still feels quite sore but that's normal. My throat is very sore and raspy hot/ cold I ache every where and head ache straight from hell. I hoped to give Luna a bath, but my head ache did not let up at all so it will be another day soon, hopefully. I feel quite dizzy and have bean getting the head spins as well. Not the best of days for me. 


Chest not as tight but still not right yet, raspy voice and still head and body ache ache. Luna got her bath and sure needed it. There was a lot of sand and bits of vegetation in the bottom of the bath. She jumped out again too. She thinks its a game and I have to chase her to get her back in the bath. After she looked good, all dry and fluffed up with the hair dryer and smelt lovely too. She likes the dryer, I think its the warmth of it as she gets cold very quick a bit like me.


Another crippling headache, when I bend it feels like it's going to explode still. A lot of body pain too. Having RSD/CRPS the pain is made a lot worse Not sure how much is RSD or the virus I have got. Either way I wish it would back off a bit. Not too cold today but very damp with rain most of it. Cleaning up took most of the day. Paul did do tea so that was a help. Chilli with rice but not very chilli very mild but it was quite nice.

Andrew has now got the cough probably the virus too. There are a lot of people with it, quite a few on the common that I see. The virus most likely came from Andy, neighbour from across the road this time.


I was sat thinking while knitting, and where I get the most pain, is in places that have bean hurt in the past. Both wrist that have bean broke. my broken ankle. Both hips, OSTEOPOROSIS is quite bad there. My knee that had the tear in, that was operated on a few years ago. There are other places I get pain but not as bad. You would think the RSD would have a bit of passion but NO it does not. Out to make your life hell at times. (most times that is). 

Andy's Mum came round with a load more wool for the children's knitting. She was pleased with what I had done so far. Even more can be done now. The wool is lovely colours and will look good knitted up. I have a lot of work to do.


A nice walk on the common with Pat and Milo her little dog, good to have someone to talk to for a change, usually it just me and Luna all the time. Luna kept trying to play with Milo, but he was not interested. She still had a good time chasing lots of other things as usual.

Guess what? cleaning up down stairs again. Tired as usual but not as quite bad today. 

Having RSD makes it hard for you to rest and sleep. Hence the short nights. It will not let you rest for long at all and I am usually woken by pain some where. ( Luna as well wakes me which is a lot nicer so long as its not too early.) At the moment its my left wrist the one I  broke July 3rd last year. I wake with a numb arm with pins and needles going down it to the fingers. This has happened a few times now. I will get in touch with the clinic that dealt with my break. 

I think the virus is backing down a bit, its bean over two weeks, as started around the 10th,. Andrew is not good and he has a full cough, which he blames me for. Never mind he will recover as I did. Virus's come and go all the time. 

Well here goes April not too bad could have bean better though. Hope things are good for you where ever you are. All the very best love Gill.

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