
 March 3rd  

Doing a bit more of Puzzle I managed to finish it. 

Andrew and I watched another Starship rocket launched. This one did everything it should and landed, but it caught fire after a few minutes then exploded.

Lindsay is not too good but with rest, she will be alright I think. She had more done this time so it will take longer. Radio Therapy and the usual pain block. Hopefully, it will help and be worth the trauma she is going through.


Started another puzzle, the same set as the last one. Just as hard but more colour to this one, so a bit easier on my eyes to do. 

I do not feel right today a lot of pain. Balance is not good either. The pain I can not break free of, its got me a vice grip. Please let go RSD.


Happy birthday Jay-Jay 17 today where has the time gone?  Lindsay and her family are all around for a Chinese tea. 

Lindsay is not too good, she had a bath be for she came and it has taken a lot out of her. She was asleep a lot of the time even eating her tea. I know what that is like being so exhausted that you can not function at all. Apart from that everyone had a good time and it was good to see the boys again. Jay-Jay brought round his girlfriend Amy as well, I have met her be for. She looked after Lindsay very well while here and helps her a lot at home when she is not able to help herself.

A wet start to the day, Summer and I went down Sincil Bank instead of the common. There has bean a lot of rain so the common is like a mud bath again.

Lindsay called in to pick up Jamie-Lees Ipad that was left on Saturday. Lindsay looks and sounds quite a bit better now, but still has a long way to go be for she is right. I said to her it will be all worth it if the treatment works. 

I still have a lot of extra pain as well, this is very draining and not fair but RSD does its own thing.


What a lovely start to the day, sunny windy but not cold. Two lots of washing so they should dry well.

Another not-good day regarding pain and balance lack of sleep does not help either. Getting by on around 4-5 hours of sleep a night is not good. Nerve rash on my shoulders through pain, its very sore and at times itchy too. 

Washing mostly dried so that's good, smells lovely too.


Cleaning up downstairs today.  

Did a bit more of the puzzle going OK- but a lot of the bits look right until you try to put another bit to it and it does not fit? so which bit is right? Till you get more bits that look the same then you can get it sorted right. I think it's one of them puzzles that if you do not give up on the first 2-3 days I think you can finish it.

My friend John is helping with another claim for PIPs as the last one was not granted.


Bit more of the puzzle done going a bit better now a few gaps closed up. Still, a long way to go but I will complete it. 

Not knitting at the moment as my hands are not the best and my brain a bit mushy or that's how it feels.

Radio 1- Scott and Chris are doing a laughathon for 24 hours. This time slightly different from the last one 2 years ago. More guests and more jokes this time. They are raising money for Comic Relief. 


Scott and Chris have still on-air despite being tired and slightly giddy, mixing up words. They carried on raising more money, going to 28hours then collapsed well nearly. They were all DJ out, off home to sleep I think.  So far they have raised over £2500, a lot of money in 24 hours. I listened to a lot of it too, late night and early morning. The jokes got a bit more adult after 9pm. I think it was better than the one they did 2 years ago. It was Chris's birthday today as well.  


A lot of nerve pain today with a rash on my shoulders, hot and sore. Trying very hard not to rub or scratch it. Hopefully, it will go soon but always returns.

Wayne sent me some Mother's day presents. He said I could open the parcel today. The card will be here Monday.

Some bed sock that I wear all the time, they are soft, warm, and not tight on my legs. Also without shoes, something I do a lot. they do not slip on floors. Also some truffles in a very pretty tin, also a baby shark soft toy. This is a joke between Wayne and I.



Lindsay and Jamie-Lee, came round with 2 cards one from her, and one from the grandchildren. They stayed a while having tea as well, a Chinese very nice. I enjoyed it very much, as not eaten much all day, so was ready well ready for it.

Andrew made me a coaster the first one of this kind he has made. Very nice as with all things he makes.

Andrew's mat.


Radio 1 Scott and Chris have raised over half a million pounds for Comic relief. What a great total for them, the listeners are very generous.

Cleaning up today. My friend John will be here later to do the PIPS form with me. Just waiting for letters to come from various people.


Went on my bike for the first time in 2 and a half years. Went OK apart from the chain coming off. I tried to do it myself but could not. so I came back home and Paul did it. After that things went OK. Andrew asked me how my wrist was. I did not even think about it while riding it was only a short distance around 2-3 miles so a good starter ride. I went to the Remembrance Gardens to see my Mum, Dad, and brother Phillip. Put some daffodils on the stone, Mum used to like them very much, Dad too. Also went to see past next-door neighbours Mr and Mrs Lambert in a different part of the crematorium. I enjoyed the bike ride a bit wobbly at first but safe. 


A dull start and cold as well. I felt it on the common. A nice walk with Summer as usual playing with her ball. 

I have bean buying a few cut glass crystals ornaments on the internet. I have had money put aside so I thought why not. I need to put them all in the cabinet after a polish and dust. When they are all done I will show you a picture of them. I need to wait for a few good days, as a lot of time my hands are not good and  I would drop them. 


Awake early 6am so a very short night, Bed last night gone 3am. I tried to go back to sleep but no that was it. I was hot and itchy so I got up. A sunny morning on the common early Summer having a good run around today. Maybe it's Spring on the way.    


Another short night, this time Summer did not settle so it was gone 4am when I went to bed. No more barks from Summer after this. 

People say how do you manage on so little sleep? The answer I do not know. At times it catches up with me and I will crash out, even while doing things, like playing a game on the computer. The next thing I am aware of is, nearly falling off the chair. I think my body just stops as it can no longer go on.


Paul has put up my rug I made plus Wayne's present from Disneyland.

 Lindsay here with Jamie-Lee, who was supposed to have a blood test, but it did not go well. She has to go back at a later date.

Jamie-Lee played with the Sylvanians and watered the garden as well. Summer was close to the hose pipe, she did get wet but she always does and enjoys it too. 

Rang up to see if the letter (PIPs) from my Doctor was ready. They had no knowledge of it, I put it through the letterbox, where does the letterbox go?? They will ring me tomorrow after looking and asking other staff there to see if it can be found. 


I took another letter as it was nowhere to be seen. I made sure the lady I spoke to over the phone dealt with it. There is a time when PIPs documents have to be in, this has already bean extended. I spoke to my Neurologist and there is a letter on the way they are a bit behind with letters. At least they did not lose it. Hopefully next week all things will be put right. 

Hot and shuddery today stomach bloated as well. 


I have a water infection, so not good today I have got ANTIBIOTICS so hopefully, this will help.  Quite a few accidents as not getting to the toilet in time. l did some intense research into RSD and infections in the bladder are quite common and can be quite bad. A rest day I think and just try to keep the pain down with extra tablets.


Not as much pain today but oh so tired. I just want to curl up somewhere and relax. Not much chance of that. 


A very warm and nice day. 21C later on. 

Went to have my B12 and while there I asked about my letter from Doctor Hindosha. The nurse looked and said it had bean done and would print off a copy off for me. I walked home and had a look at the letter and some details were wrong. I rang them up and after a talk, the receptionist said bring it back and I will get the Doctor to alter it. Back to the Doctors this time I went on my bike, the first time I walked, The receptionist I spoke to had gone for lunch so had to give it to the desk. Just hope the letter gets back to Doctor Hndosha so it can be put right. 

Got home and did a bit more of the puzzle going a bit better. I think the more bits I fit in the easier it gets, till I hit a slump. I will finish it... of course, I will.


Went out to a shop first time in ages, felt like an adventure going on my bike. I am pleased I am able to ride it again. A lot quicker than walking. So good to be some different than the common. Got a present for my friend Debbie plus a few other things. I went down every aisle and got a few ideas for later things.

Bit more puzzle done only a few bits left, so should finish it tonight. Oh no some of the bits do not fit. I did have only 6 bits left, but now 20. Determined it will be done tonight.

Mexican for tea a chili burger and wedges for me. The best ones I have ever had from a take-away meal. Usually, they are dry and overcooked these were perfect. Paul did actually order fry's but wedges came, quite pleased they did. 

After tea started again attacking that whats it feels like now and this one I thought was easier than the last one. A brighter picture as you can see, but just as hard as the last one. Does not help as no proper picture on the box. 

All done just the last one of the set now to do. I will finish you as well, then charity shop for someone else to get frustrated.

The temperature rose to 23C in Lincoln so a summer day very nice after the cold and rain earlier in the month.

Well, here we are at the end of another Blog, still in lockdown a year later. Better things are on the way, so we can look forward to happier days very soon. 

Quite a mixed month but better than some. Water infection not good but caught early so soon responded to ANTIBIOTICS. Summers on its way so warmer days soon. This helps my RSD and most other suffers. Hope things are good with you all and soon we will be free. All the best to you Love Gill.

To finish off the month- Summer very fluffy, she needs badly needs a trim, so next week she will be cut.


Cute little Summer.

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