I am at the dentists today at 12.40pm and dreading it. A wisdom tooth needs to come out, well its only really half a one. The ALADRONIC ACID I take for OSTEOPOROSIS can affect teeth to the point of them literary falling out. I hope that does not happen it is quite rare for this to happen though. So is RSD to a point!
Anyway here I am sat in the chair waiting for the LIDOCANE to take affect three injections. I asked the dentist how he got the tooth out, he replied I wiggle it and push it. Much like we all did when little. He said I would feel a lot of pressure but not pain hopefully. Last time more LIDOCANE had to be added. Minutes later tooth out, all finished. No where near as bad as the filling was. I know its still numb so time will tell.
Later in the day my face was still numb so I think it will be morning when the feeling comes back, still no pain.
Woke up to my sore face, like I had bean hit. Took IBRUES, that helped. This is one of the times I am glad I have strong pain killers like MORPHINE if I should need it.
Not too bad a day went to Pilate's and enjoyed it as usual. My shoulder is very loose and when I raised my arms up I felt the shoulder joint click. I thought it was coming out the socket like before.
Fair bit more pain in my jaw later, but taking it easy like the dentist told me to do.
More pain in my face today so topping up with pain stuff. Still better than I thought it would be.
I went to see Paul's Nana she in 99 years old on the 30th. She was quite ill but now is a lot better. She was pleased to see me. To start with she was unsure who I was but soon realised. Just think what she has seen in her life.
My hip has improved a bit but still sore. I feel quite tired all the extra pain I think.
Age UK today, Sheila is back but Angela is in London. A busy steady day. Went to get my bag out the locker and it refused to open. Nills had to break it to get in. Bag retrieved (Thank you Nills) and more or less straight home.
This is the cat that annoyes Summer by sitting on the trelis frame. She barks and jumps at it, but it is not frightened of her.
Just you jump down and I will get you, says Summer.
Out for Christmas type dinner with the IA members. An enjoyable day everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. A lot of them said how well I looked compared to last year. I hope it keeps that way too. To think it has taken me over a year to get back to my normal. The seizures have stayed away as well, none since 25th May.
Shopping with Paul for his family's Christmas presents. plus a few things I need to get. He is not sure about what he is getting- so could be a long day. Had some dinner in town. We managed to get everyone a gift so we don't have to do it again another day. The trip turned out not to be too bad. I ached a lot everywhere, knees are swollen and sore shoulders, very sensitive too. We saw some friends that we have seen for a while. The lady usually grabs me like an octopus and I always have to warn her to be gentle. Nice to see them both. Back home for a rest, and to cuddle Summer she has missed us or maybe its the treats she gets.
Pilates again, managed quite well. Last one next week.
I have now finished both pairs of gloves for Denise and Gill from Age UK. Very tired today I know I must try to get to bed earlier but this is not an easy thing for me.
While in the bath- I moved my right foot and touched the bath side, the pain went off the scale shooting right up my leg. This did not last for long thank goodness, but while it did it was so bad. I have a pressure sore on my heal, I think I must have pressed it and touched the nerves. This has happened before but not as bad. Sometimes it seems like my whole body is going crazy.
Age UK today very quite at first then busy. I hit my arm on the door frame, a direct hit on my elbow. The pain was bad, I had to walk up and down for a while doing my breathing. After a while it all calmed down. Arm is just a bit red, that was until I burnt it on the drinks machine probe. Quite sore and very red. I like the machine even less now. Apart from that a good day. A bit of shopping then home. Gave Denise and Gill their gloves, they were very pleased.
When I arrived home Paul had put up the Christmas decorations and done the tree. Everywhere looked very festive.
Lindsay's here with Tommy-Lee and Jamie-Lee, Jay-Jay is at a friends on a sleep over. He will be here later. Spent most of the day playing with the children more so Jamie-Lee. Lindsay went shopping. Jay-Jay arrived looking very tired, almost half dead looking, he was so tired to the point of hardly bean able to stand. He half sat, half laid on my chair much to Summer disgust, she wanted all the chair to herself. I said he could stay the night here as he could have a better sleep without Jamie-Lee and Tommy-Lee getting him annoyed. Lindsay and co left. Within a few minutes Jay-Jay was asleep and remained so for about three hours.
He awoke and I told him I was going next door to see the family staying with Karol. They are all going back to Poland so I wanted to say goodbye to them. They are missing their friends and family so have decided to go back home. I will miss my little friend Simon who has just turned five he liked helping me in the garden. He did not speak English, but somehow we understood each other. His Mum said he loved to be with me. She and Simon the older brother spoke English. They both went to School here for a short while and Simon learnt a bit of English. One day he said Hello Mrs (he called me that) and goodbye. A cute little boy, his brother was very likable too. I shall miss them all and our little chats.
Jay-Jay was more awake when I got back and had some food. A few things on the computer then bed
Jay-Jay still looking very tired even after his sleep plus Summer..
Jamie-Lee is here again while Tommy-Lee plays football. Jay-Jay will help me with her. She can be a handful at times. Not too bad today though. Played with dollies and playdoe, tents and tunnels. At one time there was no room to move. Summer joins in too. Soon Lindsay returned, Tommy's team did not win-- they lost 3-2, but Lindsay said it was a good match and they all played well. Tommy's turn to look tired Jay-Jay had now recovered and looked his usual self. Soon they all went home and I could have some peace and rest.
Went to see Ben next door he is well and gave me some of Cilla's teds I made for her a while ago. Also a present that was found at the back of a cupboard. We both cried as Cilla passed way about a year ago.
It's Tommy-Lee's School play today, it's called A Pudding For The Chimney Sweep. This was very good, different and funny from the usual School plays. Tommy-Lee's part was a worker in the factory. He enjoys acting very much. I really enjoyed it.
Last Pilate's of the year, next year I am staying in this group, as we are doing more and more things that I used to do in the original group.
I have now marzipanned all the cakes so they are getting closer to be finished.
I have also now got Jamie-Lee's dolly's clothes done.
Little red ridding hood.
All dressed up ready to go out.
Little Ugg boots as well.
I made these from an old pair of PJ's of mine but they did not turn out too good.
Dolly in her rabbit suit.
I hope she likes them.
My arm is still quite sore and few IBRUES have bean taken, hopefully it will soon calm down.
Today is the Age UK's third Christmas Party. I am helping at this one. Over the last three days between three and four hundred guests will have had a three course Christmas meal. Plus singing and dancing. I think the kitchen staff will be ready for a break.
The day went well and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. I did not injure myself or drop anything. My foot played up and I needed MORPHINE but the padlock got stuck on the locker and Nills had to break in again. This took a while and the pain got out of control. I took four IBRUES but this did hardly anything. At last my MORPHINE was available. I took quite a bit enough to feel very light headed. I sat quite for a while while the MORPHINE did its job and I was soon back helping again. A good day but long and painful for me. We all got a box of chocolate biscuits.

Some of the staff.
Age UK Choir.
Andrew has arrived here at about 2-45am, after delayes at the Airport and motor way traffic. Paul picked him up from Manchester Airport. He is here for Christmas and Wayne will arrive Christmas Eve.
It's Angela, my friend from Age UK Birthday. Paul, Andrew and I went for a while and she did some party bits. Present from us as well.
I have now iced all the cakes, not finishing until nearly midnight. I ache and I am exhausted, but will I sleep any better I dought it..
All the cakes done at last.
Going into town with Andrew so might be a dear day?
A good day and Andrew helped me choose some last minute presents as well and he did not cost too much with his things. With living in Amsterdam he can not get somethings there, so when he visits, he likes to have a good look round.
Another long day for me quite a bit of pain too.
Mince pies and sponge cake made today. Andrew made a lovely banana cake- NO SUGAR and no wheat flour, rice or coconut instead. Very moist and tasty. He makes a lot of his meals from scratch
My brother Stephen and his girlfriend Sue came round I have not seen them for a while, so a good night.
Wayne's here but after a train delay arriving here about 6-30pm from Halifax. An Indian meal as well. All the family together or at least in the same City.
Merry Christmas everyone hope you all have (had) a good day. Lots of presents and good times plus a perfect cooked dinner, by me of course. Everything went well. Lots of lovely presents from every one. Thank you all.
Summer opening her presents.
A mask from Phantom Of The Opera that Wayne got me.
Summer later on with her new ball so tired she went to sleep.
Lindsay's here tomorrow so not a quite day.
Summer had a good walk with me and Andrew. wet and windy on the common.
Wayne is not too good MAN FLUE but he is coping like a man.
I am also looking after a cat across the road. I say one cat but there are three of them coming in.
A dry day, first one for a while. Apart from that a MANIC day with all the children here, very excited they were. We exchanged presents with everyone. Jamie-Lee undoing hers and most of everyones as well. She loves present and giving and receiving them.
Jay-Jay in his new jumper.
Tommy-Lee just showing a bit of his maroon new jumper.
Tommy-Lee in his Minecraft top.
The three Angels!!!!
Lindsay and co with Andrew and his dinner.
Paul and Lindsay.
Andrew Lindsay and Wayne
Me and Paul.
The Christmas Picture.
They had dinner here and tea too I had to go upstairs a few times for a bit of quite time as pain was building up. Noise affects me a lot. Even so a good day very tired but happy.
We are going to the Castle. Yes-- Lincoln has one, a beautiful one, all there as well, not a ruin. A lot of money has gone into repairing it. You can now walk all the way round on the gantry. A lovely view from up there. Because the castle is on a hill you can see a long way off . Even people walking on the common near us, about mile or two away. A good day but quite cold. I had on my new duffle coat a present from Paul. A hot cup of tea and shared cake soon warmed us up.
The Magna Carta is usually there but today was in for repair. I have sean it before though. We went round the grounds and the prison. A good day.
The main entrance to the Castle.
Andrew me and Wayne (still not well.)
This is the Crown Court House.
The still working Windmill.
This is Castle Cottage- My brother Stephen and his wife used to live here and run a Taxi business. Since they left it has bean a shop, Tourist Information, and now a cafe.
Paul. View from the highest point.
Model of the grounds.
Inside the chapel.
The Barons Shields.
In one of the prison cells.
The special vault for the Magna Carta (but was not there).
The clothes the prisoners wore while inside, very rough and not very comfortable to wear. I would say.
Another cell.
We locked Wayne up but he got away.
Heading to the Cathedral.
In all its Glory.
Time for the boys to go home, Wayne to Halifax, and Andrew to Amsterdam, his flight is 4-30pm. Too much to take back so a parcel will be sent with the rest. Bean a good few day apart from Wayne being ill. I now have a full blown cold and feel rough now. I am taking ECHINACEA and IBRUES, this helps. My whole body aches and a head from Hell.
After they had all gone I sat and watched television a bit of catch up Very quite now.
Andrew sent a message later saying he was home and everything arrived intact in his case.
Looking after Lindsay's young uns while she has a night out tomorrow. Tracy will be there some of the time.
Well that's another year over. A new one very soon. What will this one bring us all??
I would just like to wish you all a Happy New Year from everyone here. Hope it's going to be a good one.
Love to you all Gill.
Happy New Year to all my doggy friends Love Summer
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