January 1st
Well another new Year- What will this one have to offer me?
In town today to get Kira, my grandson Tommy-Lee, Girlfriend, something for her Birthday tomorrow 18. Got a few different things I think she will like.
Walked down to the Charity shop to get two puzzles I saw yesterday. The intention was to get them on the way back from town, but they were closed. I took Luna with me as well, everyone thought she was very cute. She got a bone biscuit which she enjoyed very much. The lady asked if she could have another one but I said no, as it can fill her up too much and she does not eat her tea. Walked back with Luna jumping and almost skipping along very happy as usual.
Snow today, did not settle but very sloshy and slippery on the paths. Good walk if not a bit colder than I thought it would be. I think Luna is in a very funny mood today as she came back from her walk with as much energy as be for she went. She shot up the stairs a few times then rolled around on the carpet. After her bone biscuit and breakfast of her mixer biscuits, she did settle a bit and went to sleep. Time for me to have a cup of tea and sit down.
Two years today since my little girl Summer passed away. I miss her so much rest in peace little girl.
I was going to knit myself a jumper but the pattern had no instructions for the sleeves I am not good enough to do them without a pattern. The back bit I had already done so I pulled it down. The wool was 4ply so very slow going so not too bothered. I will knit some gloves or baby things instead.
A bit of snow fell, but soon went as it rained. Not as cold as yesterday but still ice on the common in places, The river is very high, gone over in a few places. A lot of rain has fallen over the last few weeks plus the snow we had in November last year. On the common there are a lot of underground springs too.
Very cold today -3-4C overnight with a cold wind too. Andy from across the street said it was going to be -20C in Scotland tonight. Pleased I am not there
Cleaning upstairs to day, got most done, just computer room to do. So tired today as well, a lot of short nights just lately. Quite a bit of pain and spasms too.The cold does not help much either. You would think I should sleep well with all the powerful drugs I take, but no, very short nights. Around four to five hours in bed. I know the tablets do help the pain quite a bit, but it not pain free for me. At least the pain is not like it used to be.
Started knitting a blanket for my Sister in-law Pam, for her Birthday in August so plenty of time to do it. This one is different pastel colours mostly baby wool. Going to look very bright and pretty when finished. Picture when all done.
Finished off cleaning the bed rooms. Luna had another walk on the common with Andrew and I. Very cold wind, Luna enjoyed it as usual running around and chasing every thing that moved.
Very frosty on the common just looked like snow so cold as well. New crossing lights are being put in as they use less power than these ones. This confused Luna quite a bit as the temporary crossing was further down the road.
B12 injection all went well but hurt for the rest of night. Coming back from the Doctors I saw my granddaughter Jamie-Lee who was coming back from school. She comes here after school as its just down the road from here. She will then get picked up by her Dad or family friend Tracy.
Very cold and frosty again -3-4C, the sun did come out later and it felt quite warm.
Paul has bought a new freezer (Saturday) for the shed as other one not working right, seal has gone all hard. This one is a bit bigger at the top so does not fit. Paul said he will adjust the cupboard to make it fit. At the moment it is in the front room.
Cleaning up took most of the day. So I am so tired, and I hurt. Mary with Rory gave me a toy for Luna an elephant which Andrew and I have called Nellie. She likes it very much. She has a thing for labels chew them off, so this one did not last long.
Sorting out a few things like the medical chest and my sewing box plus the wool chests as well.
Later I put the crystals back in the display cabinet. My hands were quite calm today, so I thought go for it. Some had got broke, well bits came off. The elephant's trunk and the ducks beak, plus the spinning wheels wool, only three so not too bad. They are so delicate, but it's an easy fix to repair them. Andrew has some special adhesive I can use.
Pilates for me today- did not go last week as so foggy. This week Paul took me in the car. A very good session nice and gentle or I thought so. I might ache tomorrow though.
SpaceX launched its Starship rocket, Mars Mission- most went well. The booster was caught by the Chopstick arms, as planned. The rocket part did not do so well, it blew up after catching fire. Still a good outcome, they will learn from this, but it would have bean Great, if all had gone well. Next time it will.
Stuck the crystals all good, went well. Hands behaved quite well. I did get the shakes and pain but got them done despite this. Tomorrow I will put them back in the cabinet with the others.
Started knitting a baby cardigan from some wool that Paul's friend gave me. Very soft wool and knitting up well. So far going good. I am still knitting the blanket for Pam this also is going well not got to the decreasing part yet. Its a corner to corner like the few I have already done. You start with two stitches then increase till the side is long enough, then decrease down to two again, finish -hours later, in fact weeks
Not doing too much today as quite tired. Pain here today and spasms too. I did get a bit more of the baby cardigan done.
Changed bedding as a good drying day. A storm brewing, and so windy, I had a job getting things to stay on the line. Only out around a hour and sheets were dry enough for ironing. I know who irons sheets now days? I like them crease free so they get ironed along with quilt cover. Dried and ironed in the same day almost unheard of in the winter time.
Went to Pilates today Paul took me. A good session I enjoyed it a lot. Jo's Daughter has had a baby girl called Lilly. Her daughter was told the baby would be small and could be ill as the placenta was not working right. She was fine over seven pounds and both went home the next day very healthy baby. All the best to you both. Jo showed us some pictures of Lilly very chubby face and so cute.
A sunny start with frost quite cold as well. The Virgin guy is here sorting out the internet as we have had a few problems just lately. Now it has bean upgraded so a lot faster.
I gave Luna a bath today and she fluffed up about twice the size, so fluffy and soft. Also washed her bedtime toy Sheppie. Who now looks white again.
Luna's walk on the common was a long one today as walked around with a few others. The work men are dredging the lakes. My friend Phil said we ought to start a rumor that they are looking for a body.
Cleaning upstairs today. I also made a stew in the slow cooker, for tea to have with dumplings.
Another walk with Andrew later. luna was very tired later, but after a sleep she raring to go again.
My neck today is very bad, tight shooting pain and spasms. I am having a scan on my neck and base of skull. That is when my appointment comes through. This has bean diagnosed as FACIAL NEURALGIA, but my neurologist think it could be a bit more than that. So just wait and see. I go next week 4th February to see about results of my wrist which was MRI scanned in August 31st 2024. The appointment in November was cancelled
Cleaning two of the bedrooms today, Paul needs to tidy his stuff up first so that will be tomorrow or next day.
Pilates, Paul took me again as too cold to go on my bike. A good session, we did a lot with balls pressed up against the wall and working up and down our back and hips. Seemed very gentle but made me ache.
I made Jo's Daughter a baby cardigan set for Lilly.
Jo liked it very much. I told her if she would like some more I can easily do some.
This is the other one I made from the baby wool I was given
Two walks for Luna today, one with Andrew in the afternoon. It was sunny and quite warmish around 5C cold wind though.
Finished off the bedroom today and vacuumed down stairs. Tired now but still tea to do later. Sit down and knit a bit for now.
Well not too bad a month still more pain than I would like but not keen on uping tablets. The cold weather does not help. I have had it worse so I can cope with this. All the very best to you all Love Gill.
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