I am still the same Gill, even if I can not be quite the same as you.
But please don't forget me I am still here, so please remember me do.

My days are long, my nights are longer.
So please help me to get more out of this life and to get a lot stronger.

After a while of repeatedly getting knocked back down to the floor.
There comes a time when I am unable and unwilling to get up any more.

People some times make me promises they have little, or no intention to keep.
But what they don't understand is, its all I have got to look forward to, sometimes for the week.

I spend a good deal of time on my own.
Mostly people not bothering to call round, or even to phone.

I cannot always get out, the pain can be too bad.
But spending all day on my own makes me feel very sad.

Please under stand me I still need my friends the new, and the old ones even more.
Please remember me for who I am now, not for what I used to be be for.

I wrote this after many let downs, some right out of the blue.

Love Gill.



The above post was meant to be posted at the end of March but I have not bean able to update the blog as I have bean very ill.
Will update soon.

Love Gill.

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